Satisfaction Guarantee

Free Trial


We provide Free Trial Version of our software with some features disabled. It is very recommended to install and use Free Trial Version first before making a purchase. This is to make sure that our software really meet your needs and work in your computer.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee


If you are not satisfied with our software and purchased at Regular Price, we will refund you. The refund request must be made within 30 days of date of purchase. You are responsible for any fees which may occur. We need your cooperation by uninstalling the software first before making a refund request. For more information, please read Refund Policy.



Instead of refund, if our software do not work as described or expected, please contact us. In case of bug reported, we will update the software as soon as possible. Make sure you have the latest version of the software installed. Please include as many details about the affected system, software version, and steps to reproduce the problem. In case of antivirus false positive detection, we will report it to antivirus vendor as soon as possible. Please see our Support Policy.